Español 2
- Demonstrative adjectives practice – worksheet from yesterday. Discussed.
- Reviewed Demonstrative Adjectives and Demonstrative pronouuns.
- Checked demonstrative adjective homework and returned and discussed adverb and preterit homework from yesterday.
- White board practice – vocabulary, preterit verbs,
Español 3
- Warm-up – using new vocabulary.
- Pronunciation of new vocabulary and sharing of warm-up.
- Notes – (review from 2nd year) – affirmative informal commands and informal commands. Filled in first colu and 1/2 of second column on notesheet.
- Quiz next Tuesday – informal affirmative and negative commands – 3 column pink sheet. (If make (write) flash cards – put both positive and negative on one card – English on one side and Spanish on the other.) (Strongly suggest that they be completed by Friday.)