Español 2
Warm-up – preterite -ar verbs in sentences. Vocabulary – added vocab from last year, worked on pronunciation and added some additional words. Reading and vocab with text pp. 90-91. Act 1 and Act 2 p. 92. Quiz Monday – a larger quiz over vocabulary and preterit vs imperfect – study and practice!
Español 3
Warm-up using present tense and current vocabulary. Talked about most recent quiz and some students should come and do test corrections, write out what the correct answer is and a thorough explanation of why it was wrong. Discussed when use preterit and Imperfect tenses. Listening Act 6 p. 38 and p. 64. Worksheet to practice preterit and imperfect – both sides due tomorrow.
October 30, 2018 Tuesday
Español 2
Warm-up – vocabulary recall in categories. Speaking activity with partner for points. Vocabulary and pronunciation practice and discussion about Argentina. Added some additional words to vocab sheet. Listening with a song.
Español 3
Warm-up – vocab family tree activity with partner. Homework – vocabulary checked for completion and discussed. Quizlet for vocabulary posted to classzone.