Spanish 2
- warm-up – review preterite and what students did over break. Revisited classroom expectations and asked for individual input on how students feel that they are doing.
- Practice with white boards – verbs and vocab.
- Yellow sheet returned. Students completed p. 48 in class and are to finish both sides of the rest of the worksheet by beginning of class on Wednesday. 2 U 1.2 regular – ar preterit practice 2 U1.2 irregular verb practice
- Quiz – Wednesday. All vocab, preterite verbs and questions.
Spanish 3
- warm-up – vocab and what did over break. Revisited classroom expectations and asked for individual input on how students feel that they are doing.
- Vocab review with flashcards. pp. 58-59 with partner. Act 1 and Act 2 p. 60.
- La familia worksheet – complete 1/2 by tomorrow beginning of class. 3 U1.2 adivinar – la familia
- Quiz Friday.